Values & Mission
Flock of Shepherds® provides supportive opportunities to discuss, create, heal, and live out our vocations.
Flock of Shepherds® provides alternatives to living with vocational struggles in silence, abandoning our vocational identities, or leaving the institutions we're called to serve.
About the Founder
​Alice J Stewart has an MA, MBA, and is a Certified Project Manager. She's a graduate of Education for Ministry, completed Stephen's Ministry training, and was a professional pastor. Pastoring is her love, but she also consults, writes, and works in the "business of the Church."
Her first master's degree was in anthropology which included extensive research in religion and comprehensive exams in anthropology's four foci: culture, biology, archaeology, linguistics. She taught university-level courses for ten years. In 2000, while working in a Ph.D. program, she decided to leave academia and pursue culture change within organizations using business and within readers' imaginations using fiction.
Ms. Stewart served in the Peace Corps in Cape Verde from 2000-2002. When she returned to the US she began working in business, ministry, and creative writing concurrently.
Her call to ordained ministry came in the Spring of 1992, she responded to the call in 2003 where she learned her parish priest refused to ordain women, responded again and became an aspirant in 2014 until she was rejected first in 2017 and again in 2020.
Dismayed at the lack of healing resources available for vocational suffering, Ms. Stewart spent five years developing Flock of Shepherds® as a way to teach, heal, lead, speak critically to Christian institutions in love, and provide a community where others can do the same.
AJ Stewart Consulting, LLC supports small- and micro-businesses, faith-based nonprofits, and churches. It includes the following divisions: Grow+Small Church Consulting, Flock of Shepherds®, and MOOSe.